I generally never post about my travel plans well in advance anywhere and limit the information also to very few people outside my family too. Most of the times I post photos on insta after the trip is over or even if I do, it will be very few and far in between. I have a superstition that something goes wrong when I over share my plans. This summer trip I decided I am no longer believing in this BS and shared my plans not just on social media but with lots of friends and colleagues at work. So many people told us how jealous they are that we were doing so many things this trip. I shared photos on insta and micro almost on a daily basis chronicling our trip. And then Vienna happened. The very reason we created this trip and this itinerary was the Taylor Swift concert. The entire trip came together around the concert. My kid’s entire reason of the trip was the concert, with Olympics being a bonus. Now that it cancelled and we headed back home early, I think I am going back to my earlier days of not making a big deal out of my trips at all. I don’t think I want to do the same thing I did this year anymore again and I will stick to my old ways!