Yesterday we attended the high school orientation session for our school district (yeah i know its only January!). It was a great with each department head presenting options freshmen students will have as they start thinking about their classes in 9th grade. While they all acknowledged that options and AP courses increase from 10th grade, 9th grade still offered lots of interesting options for students to take. The kid and us all agreed that she would absolutely take 9th grade Humanities program which is a combination course between World History 1 Honors and English 9 Honors, and both subjects are taught together. I absolutely love the course work that this program offers - luckily, kid is thrilled about it too! In addition to these kid was interested in Student Government Association, as well as taking a course in Marketing and maybe, just maybe attempting a CyberSecurity elective. Way too many choices so we have some hard conversations ahead in next couple of months, but we absolutely know Humanities is going to be in her selections.