offered without comments

Lovely view from the edge. These monasteries built on side / edges or mountains in Meteora, Greece are just breathtaking in person!

At a fabric shop in Ahmedabad more than a decade ago when we were looking for Indian designed curtains for our house. We eventually did get this one.

Hobbes giving a stare down to the Halloween golden retriever that we just procured. He clearly sees him as competition!

Watching and experiencing this TOOL concert was one of the most intense experiences of my life. I highly recommend it!


I am perfectly ok with this. In fact extend it to over 65as well. I hope republicans take this to heart also and if it means fewer red votes next year it’s a win win!

This comment on Reddit rings so deeply true. This really is the crux of why I feel so upset about American and Indian politics these days.

Day 15: Red stripe. Bestest of summer beers. Period.

statue of lord Ganesha, nestled amongst a bed of flowers. The 11 day Ganesh chaturthi festival celebrated primarily in western and southern India is a fav. The draw for me of course being the modaks, a sweet fried dumpling that apparently this god loved, and I approve coz they are heavenly!

Day 13: Glowing. DC area has some of the best sunrises and sunsets in the country, full stop. On this particular day we were driving to the airport to drop my SIL, and the sky was so dramatic at the horizon it felt like we were driving straight into event horizon!

After 4 years of panic it was a welcome relief. I had to take a picture of this moment on TV because that day my blood pressure dropped significantly for a few hours.

Dear Brad and Julie, you didn’t downsize, you just went from a McMansion to a large home!

Day 11: retrospect. In retrospect, the most formative years of my life were spent in this school, and I am thankful for this; I am what I am because of this place. It also reminds me of an India where we were truly secular. While a catholic institution (with staff from international jesuit societies), the majority of kids were actually Hindu, followed by Christians and Muslims. None of us had any issues joining the catholic mass each morning even though it was not mandated we do; we all sang the same songs on Independence days for India; We shared lunches with each other not bothering what our caste and religion was. The school changed much afterwards - towards 2000s it went from being all boys school (except 11/12th grade) to a co-ed school, they closed down the indoor zoo and pool that elementary kids used, and cut down inter school competitions after a father left. Now given the ultra nationalist Hindu sentiment in India, this is labeled as a “Christian” school that only gives admissions to poor or dalit people wishing to convert to christianity. It has lost its luster not because it has done anything bad, its just that its a catholic school. And its so disappointing. I am just glad I attended this school when I did - I will always remain a Xavierite at heart.

Todays mood is: Unimpressed with everything.

He is stuck at home, basically.

Day 9: cycle. I have way too many pictures of cycles, but this reminds me of one of our favorite trips.

Day 9: language. Taken in 2019 and can’t be even more truer today.

Isn’t it the whole fucking point of g20 meet? What else was he going to do? Serve chai to all the visiting head of states?

Day 8: yonder. Farther down the road you will discover the entrance to the most beautiful national park.