A dreamy night.

It was nearly sunset by the time we flew into Seattle area last night and the view from the plane window was absolutely enthralling to say the least. I took this photo when the person sitting at the window seat went for a bathroom break. After I took this shot, every time I glanced across through the window the vistas were even more breathtaking one after another. Obviously since he was back at window I was not taking pictures but my goodness I was like dude, stop fucking moisturizing your hands every 15 minutes and just take a look outside the window. It truly was magical and I have no other photos to prove it. This was one flight I wish I had taken the window seat for sure.

First time traveling by delta and I am actually impressed. As in felt way better than United for sure!

Hello Seattle. Why are you so fucking cold? It’s almost May! Time to bring your beauty out. Ugh.

I just sent a text to my wife that said is my baby missing me? and she knew immediately I meant the doggo. #lifewithdogs

Our neighbors house faces our side yard in its entirety. Its not a major problem for us at all because their view is literally the side of our house thats near the garage and laundry with no windows. Because of their trees its so shaded we didnt even bother putting grass there. The neighbor has multiple times in a very friendly, nice but also nagging way has quipped that the first owners whom they were great friends with actually decorated the side yard with plants and shrubs and what not so that their view would be nice! After hearing the same thing from them 3 times this last weekend i put up 6 new giant thuja trees. In a about 3 years all they’ll see is green foliage and in 4 the trees will be as tall as entire side of house (these trees grow fast). Well, they wanted a view, they got it! Hopefully shuts them up.

The blue and white of Santorini.

My favorite photo of the mountain from maligne lake tour in banff/jasper. I still can’t believe it’s a iPhone photo from 2017.

At what point democrats begin to take polls seriously and not keep saying they are meaningless X months before election. Asking for my own mental sanity!

Shogun has been going on for so long (only 10 weeks) packed with so much that I have forgotten what the conflict was all about and why are they even at war 😂


Honestly, Trump is right on this one:

Trump asks why Europe isn’t giving Ukraine more aid as Johnson presses forward

The only thing Ukraine has proved to me so far is how incapable Europe is at defending itself without USA. Its frankly laughable at this point in the game that European countries still don’t have any skin in the game and Ukraine is literally begging USA for aid (which it should give!) - but frankly, in event of an all out war Europe basically has no skin in the game. I doubt any of the European countries can even defend themselves without American support (so yeah, thanks my tax dollars!). Heck they won’t even band up to support one another.

The Indian foreign minister’s Jaishankar’s comments in 2022 was absolutely and 100% right:

‘Europe Has to Grow Out of Mindset That Its Problems Are World’s Problems

Indeed, it has now become an American problem (because rest of world very smartly stayed out it!) while Europe sits on its thumb and makes a big deal about their other aid to Ukraine except helping them the one place that matters the most. While we are it, why is the USA still funding the genocidal government of Israel is also beyond me. I wish I could check a box on my taxes that said “No fucking aid to Israel out of my tax dollars”.

5 years ago I had no clue about Taylor Swift’s discography except shake it off. Today I am listening to her double album like a giddy teenager, anxiously waiting to finish the new album so I can have detailed conversations with my daughter about it. Without my daughter I would’ve never discovered this side of my life and I am so loving it!

I mean, technically it was supposed to be the sorting hat on top of the birthday cake but I’ll excuse you for assuming something else.

Oh Taylor you speak my heart!

Israel just can’t shut up can it? The motherfucker really wants to drag the USA into another war never mind the impact to his own citizens or USA. What a fucking prick.

I’ve been looking for Taylor Swift concert tickets. One of my surprising observations (well not surprising now) has been how many fake scammers and cheats have pervaded facebook groups and marketplaces. Its absolutely insane the amount of fake profiles, sellers and users all claiming to sell fake tickets to rip you off. The surprising place where the opposite is true, and most sellers tend to be actually real? Reddit. I would’ve never imagined this to be true, but here we are. Goes to illustrate how much Facebook is now infiltrated with spam.

I searched for “mood” in my google photos library and this was the photo that came up. Pretty appropriate!

This is my second stint as a people manager in the last couple of years. One was at the startup, and now again in this big ass company. Profile wise the charter of both teams was the same, so people in team are almost alike. My take is men are far more easier to manage than women. It was true at the startup and its proving true here as well. I spend double the time managing the women in my team than the men. Its rather idiotic because the women in team are actually far, far, far better at their jobs than the men, but every one of them demands way more individual attention than men. On the flip side men tend to lose focus and get astray way more than women. Women are hyper focussed on a task and see it through completion. With men things often just fall through the cracks and the expectations often are “this is normal” (no, its not). That said, its way easier to be blunt with them and tell them they fucked up than women where you have tiptoe a very thin line because you don’t want to come across as offensive.

Anatomy of a Fall, 2023 - ★★★★½

Oh wow this was a terrific court drama! I was half expecting to be slow noirish boring movie but this was riveting watch.