Tenet is underrated I think. If not for anything else for its absolutely audacious filmmaking mixing forward and backwards timeline together in the same scene. It’s just so chaotic and brilliant at the same time. I keep watching scenes of this movie randomly and it never ceases to amaze me how the fuck did they manage to shoot it at all. Maybe the movie works better in scenes instead of full movie at once could also be the case.

We started watching Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal last night. At three and half hours we already planned for a multi-day affair. I am more than one hour in and I am still waiting for the movie… to actually start.

Jury orders Trump to pay 83 million dollars to Jean Caroll. This is why it’s bad for Biden - NYTimes tomorrow probably.

Beautiful day outside - a rare winter day to work from deck

73 fucking degrees outside! What a beautiful day! Fuck winter let’s get on with this weather for the year!

Kid is at home today coz day off at school and I am torturing her by playing Devdas soundtrack. So much for her being excited about a day off. Well kid, now you miss school don’t you?

A busy weekend coming up and I hope I am not falling sick with a slightly scratchy throat ugh!

Europe needs to deal with its own wars, and if it came to that a republican president said USA will not get involved in yet another European war I might very interested in that. Billions of dollars of funding, arms and equipment, or any non human support are all fine but I draw a line at humans getting involved coz they can’t their shit together.

The snow is gone it’s a nice warm evening with a dense fog. Love it. I love going for walks in fog - the mistyness really add a charm in the trails. While I can’t live in constant fog like SFO, fog is beautiful.

Gosh, I wrote this exactly 10 years ago & not much has changed, except I keep writing the same things. One of them has to give I suppose!

In a company of my size when a group of people get together and say “we need to get to the bottom of this right away and make some decisions” it means the initial meeting will be scheduled at least 2 weeks from now, with a follow up before a decision is finally made in 3 months.

My first Mac was the MacBook Pro 2007 when they shifted to intel processors. Haven’t looked back. That said I much preferred the OS then it is now. It had personality now it’s just bland translucent design all over and nothing separates it anymore.

I am keeping a tab and scanning all internal opportunities available in Bangalore just in case of impending doom later this year if Trump gets re-elected. You gotta have options. Hopefully life will not come to those kind of decisions in the next few years, but at this point I am going to keep an open mind and anything could happen approach! Luckily for us we love desh, and I feel extra privileged that I actually have a backup option in life that many others may not even have if it ever came to it!

After last 10 days today feels like spring. Loving how fast snow is melting away also! Just a few more weeks just a few more weeks of this nonsense.

Except for the last 20 min christian mumbo-jumbo Fargo Season 5 was such a terrific watch! Just how good were Juno Temple, Jennifer Jason Leigh and John Hamm? John Hamm in particular was just menacing in his role!

Why? Did the plane start going faster than expected?

I once again have a jacket or a pullover for every 5 degree change in temperature. How can this be? I literally donated two bags full of jackets just 2 years ago! My wife is right that I have no idea how many jackets or pullovers i own or buy!

There’s a lot of similarities between current day whites and Hindus of India, and I hope that the white population can take some learnings out of India and do better. The reason Modi came to power is also why Trump came to power in 2016 and is dangerously close again. Hindus in India starting in 80s began feeling like they were being left out, forgotten, relegated to second class in favor of other religious groups (mostly muslim). We know looking back it was never true, but once you are caught up in that wind, its hard to see outside of that bubble, especially if you are living in the bubble. Then in the late 2000s they finally found a leader who they could relate to, because Modi is unabashedly Hindu, but more importantly he is unabashedly anti-Muslim. Frankly its not the Ram Mandir itself that bothers me, but what it has turned Hindus into that bothers me more. That said, my love for India still remains the same, and while I am disappointed in a lot of family members of mine, I am ok with the knowledge that I am not the same. If I start disconnecting with everyone for their views I will have no family or friends left and I’d become depressed and move into wilderness to spend the rest of my life alone.

This ram mandir for better or worse IS Modi’s legacy isn’t it? I hope this is the peak, and now that he has cemented his legacy, the public in India may start looking beyond? Not gonna happen 2024 though.