I slept last night and most of today like I just came back from climbing the Kilimanjaro. I was at a fucking beach for almost a week where my goal was to recharge and reenergize, not to come home feeling like I needed a proper rest break. Agreed, we did do a lot of things in Aruba, but still, I shouldn’t be … tired.

Everything they say about Aruba airport being a horror show came true. Wow, even the most chaotic Indian airport is more streamlined than the complete and utter chaos this place is. Add in a 2 hour delay with United and then a baggage carousel that stopped working in DC, it truly was an exhausting return back.

But you know what made it all better in ten seconds? The unbridled joy and happiness on our doggo’s face on seeing us. Most joyful part of the day was this hands down!

Definitely did not heed advice given I see 😂 @pratik

Can’t wait for SCOTUS to throw out all cases against their master leader lol. I do not expect anything less from this Supreme Court.

This was absolutely the best meal of the trip. The fish sold by weight in front of you - then it’s taken to kitchen, fried in spices and handed back. It doesn’t get any fresher than this honestly and the spice on them was just right. Loved loved loved this place and this was a Reddit recommendation!

Last day of beach time today and I have made up my mind to drag the family with me to eat shrimp sold by weight! It better be good!

At breakfast my kid starts annoying me and says “I am going to go to college in Texas!” And I responded back with “why would you want to go college in a state where women are treated as second class citizens!”. Perhaps I said it too loud but I got the death stare from a bunch of ladies at the next table. Well, oops, but truth is bitter.

The photo doesn’t do justice to the stunning sunset we saw today. Funny enough the UTV guide apologized that the sky had too many clouds and this was not natural. I was like dude I will take this sunset over a cloudless sunset any day!

Off-roading through the northern / eastern shoreline of Aruba with an UTV was such a fun experience. And that rugged landscapes oof! At times I felt like I was in a mad max movie with all the dust flying around.

This Dutch pancake was the size of a medium pizza and absolutely delicious, especially with the fruit toppings. The kid got apple-bacon one which was equally amazing!

One of the last cousins is getting married in India as I am holidaying here. Looking at the pics and fam together makes me miss the whole thing so much. Too bad we couldn’t get our itinerary together to fit an India trip.

There was a time I loved the allure of all inclusive resorts, particularly when the kid was a toddler. Now we abhor it. The flexibility of having a car and being able to eat anywhere anytime while exploring the place is far greater than the convenience of eating all inclusive buffets or restaurants in specific time windows. Plus the kid is older so it’s not like we need a structured day as before! Makes these trips so much more fun. Added bonus? Not going for a meal plan will save you a ton of money to do other stuff!

I am warm weather beach person. I love mountains too but it doesn’t bring me the joy a beach does. For too long I kept saying to myself but oh look mountains are so much exciting because of the variety and all that is definitely true (after all my favorite park on earth is banff / jasper) but still, it’s the warmth and warm water just make me feel so good and content.

Bro next to me on the beach is going “generative AI” every few minutes to whoever he is talking to on the phone and I am very invested right now.

Caught up with the whole Colorado Supreme Court Trump thing. With the majority they have in SCOTUS out of which three were appointed by Trump himself and another two who are basically domestic terrorists I don’t expect much at all to happen. Best advice is to keep all expectations low at this point.

Aruban sunset

In the end it’s all about what makes America feel good so t it?

The hotel ac works only in one mode - cool. It has no temperature regulation of any kind so it doesn’t matter what temperature you set the room to, coz it will become an ice box in a few hours lol. And no I am heavily advocating using just fans but the hotel rules say the ac must be on to avoid humidity in rooms and mold. Makes sense I suppose.

Gorgeous sunsets on this side of island appropriately that’s where all the resorts are. The weather is just magical. I could retire here and open a scam medical university as a career option.

Sun sand beach beer. Life’s good.