Day 1 of a long weekend of swim meets for me. Today tomorrow and next two days driving to college park is going to be a nightmare. The capital beltway 495 is the road from hell honestly and the thought of navigating this for next 4 days is more exhausting than the swim meet itself coz the venue of the swim meet is so good. It’s too bad also thst Maryland defunded all athletics and swim teams a decade ago so now this fantastic facility just hosts meets but doesn’t have a swim team of its own!

For the last 2 weeks I fancied going to India for a wedding. Unfortunately even after trying hard to line up schedule and matching it with other people’s plans during the same times I was unable to create a itinerary that would’ve allowed for some rest and fun along with the wedding; instead anyway i sliced it it was becoming a 2 week hectic jump from one city to another trip with no respite or feeling of being home. Cancelled the trip and I don’t feel bad about it for now! Now I need to find something else to do last week of Dec!

I will have no problems if Disney just collapses and dies and gets bought out and gets broken up and all that. One can only wish!

I often feel like Las Vegas, outside of the strip zone may not be a bad place to live. Sunny almost all year round, proximity to so many national parks, and general connectivity to west coast feels like its an ideal place for someone who loves the sun to live. Maybe I should put the city on my wishlist of places I wish I lived but I dont.

Omg I want to dance tonight knowing the old bastard is no more.

2 episodes in The Railway Men on netflix is so well done! I am glad this is just a 4 part series and am looking forward to finishing the other 2 episodes.

My totally unscientific with no basis in reality prediction for 2024 election - if Nikki Haley wins the nomination she will go on to be the first female president of the country. (if she wins the nomination).

Imagine coming out of the tunnel after 17 days? All the political and safety issues aside, its a relief to hear about the workers trapped in tunnel in Himalayas finally starting to be rescued!

I bought a roborock though i should’ve bought a roomba as a show of solidarity but after 4 failed roombas it was time for a change.

A fun filled 4 day thanksgiving weekend has come to an end with our friends leaving back just now. The new kitchen and the open layout provided so much space and movement for 3-4 families to move around and have lots of convos while the kids and doggos played around. Of course the food spread was amazing too! Tired after 4 late nights but looking forward to the chill.

Back at my favorite museum

We all say this every thanksgiving we meet how thankful we are for our families and kids, but this year they hit harder and feel more than platitudes. This year especially I feel fortunate and thankful to be with my family and friends knowing fully well one of ours can’t say so this year. Happy thanksgiving.

This thanksgiving you cook I eat

Anyway since I am up I am going to start my thanksgiving prep early - not the cooking part which I have been forbidden from doing but everything else like getting the house ready to host!

I am off work today so naturally I woke up at 5 for no pressing reason 😡

Man that Modi consoling Indian players in dressing room was so much cringe. Look, I have no problem when head of the country actively wants to honor sportsmen, and honestly should, but jesus man can’t you leave them alone for like a night? They obviously have lost after being so dominant team but the PM can’t help inserting himself to get some eyeballs out of it as some father figure. What a prick. Like jee, if you want, just host them at your house in a few days; now my whatsapp is going to blow up on how Modi consoled a grieving country. cringe!

I asked the kid how she found Kaikeyi as a character and she goes SMART! I would do the same if I was her. It was not what I was expecting to hear, but also I am glad we didnt pre-feed her with information about how that character is more often than not portrayed as one of the antagonists of the mythology.

After exactly 9 weeks, our kitchen is ready save for a few last minute things. For a large project like this, 9 weeks is actually pretty good timeline, though it was just exhausting. We are done with any major projects like this for a long long time.

Before and After:

Last night I bought mantel mount coz we want to mount our tv on fireplace. Besides the point that I already know it’s not the best place but that’s what we have to deal with, the guy I bought it from turned out to be an interesting hyper sales-y guy who was the local dealer for the product. He actually came home to deliver but decided to stop by inside anyway and then went on to give a long lecture about how everything that could go wrong will if we don’t hire his company to do the install. Then he gave me a lecture on networking and wifi and how not having a Ethernet jack inside the house is such a big mistake! He tried to convince me I absolutely needed to have iin built speakers and shit. After nearly 30 mins he left much to my relief. Today I showed the mantle mount to our contractors who are finishing up kitchen and they go oh yeah we install these all the time no biggie. And as far as wifi goes well, too bad, I have no need for a network cable as long as my wifi provides enough speeds to power all my devices!

After almost an year of owning the membership I did my first major Costco purchase today and I finally feel proud of the investment I made.