Every time I read something new about J K Rowling I become more and more disappointed with her. I am so fucking glad that my kid got over her and Harry Potter very quickly once her terrible positions came out. To be clear, my kid fell out of love with Harry Potter purely because of J. K. Rowling and her horrid stance against transgender folks.
The descrioption has me rolling on the floor but I am ALL IN!
Oh thank god! This show was utter crap. ‘Constellation’ Canceled By Apple After One Season
Trying out a new Indian street food place that goes by name of CHA. Friends have recommended much and they have a “paan” milkshake and I am sold already.
Stupid fucking wretched rain. The one night we did not need it in dc area. No chance at northern lights!
Its a swim meet weekend, and she is swimming a friday event. Her warmups started at 3, while her first and only race starts at … 6pm. Yeah you read that right. I pre-decided we would get to warmups by 3.30 instead of 3 (i mean jesus why do warmups 3 hours early?!) - Luckily my workplace is 20 minutes away from her event so I left her there and came to badge in my third required day at work. The building is empty on a friday evening and even the security guard at entrance gave me a look of Who the fuck comes to work office on a Friday at 4pm?.
A desi messaged me via reddit chat a few days ago after he saw a post I had made in local communities asking for recommendations for a pet sitter. The original post was nearly 18 months old at this point. He messages me how he grew up in India, how he had dogs there and loved animals, how he really wants to do the same in the USA and how he would love for him to pet sit our dog and earn some money to pay for his college education. My guess is he’s here on a student visa or h1b and wants to do a side hustle to earn money. I reply back saying all that is great to hear and no we’ll keep him in mind, but can he share any sort of profile around himself - either on rover, or pet city or anywhere I can make sense of who this person is? I get an almost instant reply saying oh, he’s not on any platform except reddit.
I’m like motherfucker, you want me to trust you are even a real person and keep you in mind but you won’t do the most basic stuff that’s required of someone who apparently wants to be a pet sitter. I even checked his comments on reddit and he definitely is a local and is active in a lot of other communities, but also i am like, how fucking dumb are you.
We are in middle of fucking May! Get on with it. Bring on the fucking 90s!
That’s not northern Virginia. That’s Shenandoah, home of the lowlifes and thugs of Virginia. (Aka, republicans)
India snack stash, courtesy dad. We are set for a few weeks!
Its weird to see Apple whose ads mostly focussed on showcasing how their products bought joy, fun or happiness to people using them, to turn around and make an ad thats just seems cocky and arrogant. Even worse, the CEO of the company thought that was the ad to highlight. I guess the slow decline of Apple is well and here now.
Going to the airport later in evening to get dad who is visiting us for his yearly visit. Wife says I need to do much better and behave much better this year and I said it depends on how long does it take my dad fire his first salvo! I give it a week.
WTF? People sell restaurants and convenience stores on Facebook marketplace?!
Remember the time when everyone (read: liberals) thought that this justice system in this country was fair and not corrupt? Lol. Trump classified documents trial in Florida postponed indefinitely
Can you selectively cross post your micro.blog to a wordpress hosted blog? Or its not supported? @help
At this point Apple just makes up random phrases with random words and makes them sound like a technological breakthrough.
“Precise contrast”? WTF is that?
Tandem OLED, coz you know a single OLED was never going to be enough for us!
need more extreme brightness!!! [I am disappointed they just didnt call it Sunshine Brightness or some term like that].
As I had expected I am definitely having difficulty managing this one employee! In our first 1:1 this employee asked me have you managed people before or you just got it because you’ve been here long enough? - that opening line had given me some indications of where this was headed, and sure enough two months down the line this one is the most difficult employee I have managed.
Fetterman is the new Manchin isnt he? He just seems to be constantly taking similar positions as Manchin of yore. I was never very impressed with him, but rooted for him as he’s a democrat - but he def seems to be slowly showing his true colors as a true Manchin replacement.
My sincere hope is that Bernie does not become the next Feinstein - He will be close to 90 by the time he’s done!