Beckham Tendulkar and Kohli on field is such a joy to see. Can’t believe modi missed out a moment to insert himself into this club and ruin the joy for millions.

Will take something Herculean from New Zealand to win this. I hope they get close and we get a good contest, but with the bowling line up India has not going to be easy, at all.

How lucky is our generation to have seen both Tendulkar and Kohli in their absolute prime of their playing life? What an accomplishment by Kohli. Absolutely insane. What a player!

And the gas is lit. After almost a process of 8 months to draw the line from the street to the kitchen, we finally have gas in the house. Indian cooking here we come. Though that said the kitchen is far from complete, but having the ability to use gas is a major step forward towards eventual completion!

So volcano in mexico, iceland and potentially italy. Looks like mother earth may have finally had enough of humans? One can only hope.

Its cute how Israel thinks that the world owes them a carte blanche in Palestine. You may cry out loud on your facebooks and instas and linkedIn posts about it, but remember that the Palestine people on the other side don’t even have that agency.

For the first time in many weeks no contractors in house and the house is neat. Blissful. Too bad the joy will be short lived because they will back tomorrow!

I don’t understand the issue here. So fucking what?! Apple reportedly cut a deal to get cleaner Amazon pages - The Verge

Happy Diwali to one and all!

I am particularly happy about how this turned out. With the tiles next week it will look even better!

With only two episodes left I am not quite sure what lessons in chemistry is getting at. It’s a well made show but it doesn’t feel like it has any specific direction. I hope it just remains a limited series so it gets a closure because even at 6 episodes it’s already feeling too drawn out.

My contractor must hate me because i made him realign our island cabinets thrice today because I wanted them exactly fucking straight to eye from all dimensions across the room; the challenge he was running was our wall is not exactly straight either, but the OCD that I am about these things I made him move cabinets literally 1/10th of inch and keep measuring the clearance and line. Ultimately after what felt like he sweated buckets of sweat, I am happy. I feel bad for him, but sorry my OCD will never let me live if I dont see the straight lines!!

So after month long exercise of match over match, the world cup semi-finals have come down to the top 4 teams that pretty much everybody had their bets on from the beginning. For all the talk around how south asia dominates cricket, its simply not true, except of course India. The Indian in me would like to see India win the world cup, but honestly my heart wants a New Zealand <> South Africa final. Either of the two countries deserves a world cup they’ve been chasing for such a long time, but my gut says we will see a India <> Australia final, like a repeat of 2003, except this time India will get its revenge.

The morning show is consistent in the sense that characters always begin and the end show in the exact same state as before - grumpy, sad, lost and generally dour state of life. I mean it was an enjoyable season that probably tackled more than it should have but ultimately nothing much happens in the end.

I dont mind lawn mowing, i dont mind snow shoveling but I absolutely absolutely detest fall leaf removal. Its worse that my house is nestled amongst trees so I am sucking up and signed up for yearly leaf removal with a landscaping company (after last year’s nightmare!). I am so glad I did - the way these guys have cleaned it all up is well worth it for me, especially for a task that I do not get any joy doing. Fuck fall leaves!

Our kitchen renovation drama would be fit for a reality TV series. We take one step ahead and two steps back next day; one day we are exuberant that we are going to see the finish line soon to come crashing down with a thud next day. So yeah, our countertops got installed last night, with appropriate gas permits coming by as well so naturally we are excited.

Except, when I and wife are admiring the kitchen island last night we realize something … is off. After a few minutes we realize to our utter horror that the base cabinets on which the kitchen island sits are not alined with the wall cabinet line. The result is a skewed line where on one end of wall cabinets we have less clearance space between the island & cabinets than on the other side. The difference is almost 2 inches and when viewed in context it really shows bad. This is not something we’d have realized it until the counter top was put in to give that visual context, but once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

I pinged our contractor last night and he immediately responded he’d be here this morning. Mind you these guys do kitchens all the time so I am willing to give them benefit of doubt that this was a genuine goofup of some sorts, but the fact is there is significant undoing and redoing of work that needs to happen. The kitchen island now needs to come off (which has been glued already, ugh!), then the cabinets need to be detached from the holding board below, then the board itself will need to be decoupled from the hardwood below. Once readjusted, all of this will have to be repeated in reverse, and we’ll need to replace all the hardwood near that area coz its all been screwed into.

So yeah, we just set ourselves back couple of days. Oh joy!

While I am obviously very happy about how the elections went in Virginia yesterday with democrats winning both house and senate, it’s this hyper local win that makes extremely elated. Stupid conservative moms literally handed Youngkin the election by making a fuss about CRT. Turns out in 23 everyone has seen through these vocal but minority pack of wolves. This right here is what matters to me the most on a daily basis and i am glad to see this!

Relief! Democrats win Virginia senate and maybe even win the house as well, or if not tie. Hope this string of results continues and it’s not a tie but democrats take house too. Youngkin can rest easy with his abortion plan that will never get to his desk.

I wonder if we will ever be able to have a system secure enough that we could all vote from our smartphones. Would require some super human level of security, plus trust in the government system to pull this off.

Feeling oddly giddy about seeing the countertops getting installed. I think this is the point where we start feeling the finish line is getting clearer and clearer!