I got the iPhone 15 pro eventually (in spite of Apple promising it was cancelled). I am tempted to keep it now, but I am worried that with USB-C I will now become the only person with this charger type, so now I will need to worry about charger type in each room. We have chargers in every room at this pt, and thought of adding a USB-C to the mix makes me go meh. So thats the big reason I dont know if I want to upgrade anymore. Who knows now that I have it in my hands, I still might!

For the first time in many many years we are most likely going to miss out on going to India in December this year. We go to India every other year in December to meet and be with family, but this year due to insane Air ticket prices, going to India has become a challenge. We hope to make it in summer now next year but sucks coz I love being in India in December! Also, two years is already too long to be not going back to India….

I am writing a doc about expanding scope & responsibilities of me and another senior person on team. My first draft was very polite, wish washy trying to keep everyone happy but also asking for more ownership type of doc. In my current version I have dropped all pretense and just gone straight out to demanding more. The result is the doc went from 6 pages to 2 pages, is crisp and super direct and just lays it out as it is. I love it, and if it pisses of people, well, thats the goal!

The makeshift road through my FIL’s Areca nut plantation.

The best part about season 3 of only murders in the building is how few episodes Meryl Streep is in. My big fear going in was she would make this show about herself in every frame so I am glad it very much is not so. Quite rambling at times this season, and yet they did manage this start tying things around. Looking forward to the finale.

We started watching Drops of God based on @parag’s post and we are loving it. Still on episode 3 but this came out of nowhere. Who knew it was on Apple TV!

Careful! Don’t fall into the upside down capturing fall

Apple support confirmed they canceled my iPhone order. I never got the confirmation email and the phone is still delivering tomorrow it seems, though I have no idea why. I guess I return to store now? Utter nonsense by apple.

Both A and me are down with same thing since yesterday - exact symptoms - tiredness, slightly scratchy throat and mild fever. Ugh. This better not be RTO induced Covid! Or could be something at the indoor birthday party we were. Well, time to rest up!

Almost 2 weeks into this home renovation already and I have still not lost my temper. I guess as seasoned renovators at this point, we are non plussed at the speed at which things are progressing. We have a gujju meal delivery/pickup service going so thats been because the food is actually very good. Its a good break from cooking and by the time newness of this meal service wears off, hopefully the kitchen is ready enough to start cooking. The biggest blockers at this time are going to be county inspections. Yeah yeah, our country likes to do inspections on every thing even if its all indoors (and i am ok with it!)

The kid put in a formal request. I told her I will do the needful and revert back with my feedback next week.

Looking at the complete shit show the republican majority led congress has become I can’t help thinking we as Americans deserve exactly this. Because how else can this malarkey be explained? We vote these people in power and if majority of Americans have decided that this is who they want running the country, I mean, so be it. Yeah I understand gerrymandering and way republicans have arm twisted themselves into this position, but lets be honest, it still means voters are choosing fuckwits over other side. So yeah, implode on yourself.

A welcome disruption from work I say.

I meet my endocrinologist multiple times a year as part of my normal health checkups, and she tests A to Z of bloodwork as part of it. Last year around this time she identified that I was borderline low on ferritin, a iron store indicator. Men don’t have a low iron problem generally, and she definitely jumped into high gear. She asked me to see a gastroenterologist and discuss about my GERD issues as well as this level. The first appointment I got with the gastro was at beginning of this year, who quickly dismissed my endo’s concern saying that since all my other markers were optimal it meant nothing.

Then during spring when my ferritin marker was still low, my endo sent a strongly worded email to the gastro demanding that he do a endoscopy and colonoscopy to rule out bleeding or other bacterial or concerning issues. After meeting the gastro again he agreed to heed my endo’s advice “to be safe” and scheduled the exams. Those exams finally finished 2 weeks ago with final review with the doc today, almost 1 year after my endo had initially asked me to go through all this.

The result - thankfully, nothing of concern was found. I was right, the gastro beamed, but he also mentioned he’s glad that I have a caring doc like my endo who put in that effort and energy to cross out all the dots, and that I should appreciate it. And I’m like, she’s been my doc for more than a decade now and I trust more than anyone else around me. I am sure next time I meet her, she’s not going to dismiss it but it will make her happy.

That said, its a telling take on american healthcare system. It took me almost a year since she asked me to do these tests to rule out anything concerning. A year is a fucking long time for something to get worse, but here we are dealing with the sad state of american healthcare system that it takes this long to do this. Its one of those things I feel like places like Bangalore in India are so much better. I could’ve literally walked into hospital and been done with these exams within 15 days tops.

Had it been any other government I would have been camp India lol. I am not camp Canada but I sure as hell can say safely camp India is totally capable of doing anything these days.

offered without comments

Lovely view from the edge. These monasteries built on side / edges or mountains in Meteora, Greece are just breathtaking in person!

This whole india Canada clash is interesting. If let’s stay it was the USA who killed a Canadian citizen on terrorism related charges, in Canada, the whole media reaction to it would be 360 degrees different on how USA was well within its rights to do so. But a brown country to do so? Nope. I also think it’s hilarious to think Trudeau is trying to pander to Sikh community in Canada. Sure they are a big base but not enough to carry elections. This is more about his ego hurt with his trip to India rather than anything else. Btw, I have no idea about who this guy was but I will argue that it was wrong for india to do this but if it’s right for America to do this in other countries it very well is for India too then.

The apple support person was helpful but I hope they are able to cancel my iPhone 15 pro order. I think I want to see these phones in person before I actually decide to order one.