LOL. But we will continue to be a wuss and keep arming a terrorist government at the same time. Too bad we are such pussies that we will build a port but can’t get ourselves to even point a pinky finger to Israeli government. Still appreciable move by Biden!

After hearing about it a lot, saw the first episode of Shogun last night and oh boy it was a LOT to take in. As in just the amount of story that happens just in first episode.

I was not aware but once I read it was so obvious; the top leadership of Apple is actually quite old. It’s not a wonder then that the company has slid into comfort territory. I will go as far as to say John Ternus is the only viable option if Apple wants to grow in future - anyone else is basically replacing one old guy with another. (Old is not necessarily bad, tech innovates with the young and that’s the hard truth). Who is Apple’s next CEO after Tim Cook?

Every performative progressive leftist needs to read this:

We are doing spring over-seeding this time. Yes I know its not recommended or a popular choice, but given the tree shade we have in later half of the year, we are actually good candidates to do spring over-seeding while the trees are still barren and the weather is nicer! The soil/compost will not stink as bad as humid end of summer either, and if we dont have good success we have another opportunity in fall to double down on seeding. I am determined to have a lush green backyard in a couple of years!

Millions of Indian-American girls today can heave a sigh of relief that their Indian parents won’t come down hard on them with If Nikki could be president, so can you!

I dont get Apple’s constant strong arm stance about side-loading apps in Europe. Like Jesus, the phone is now more computationally powerful and capable device than the mac for 80% of the use cases, and there is nothing stopping anyone from downloading apps from wherever they want to Mac. There is no reason why we application download & install can’t operate the exact same way it does on mac. Greed is literally the only fucking reason Apple is on this path.

Constellation on Apple TV went from being a fun horror sci-fi show to now like ok get on with it we know enough physics to know what is happening.

When I became a US citizen in 2020, it was election year, and the very first vote I cast as a citizen of this country was for Elizabeth Warren. If Virginia had ranked choice voting it would’ve been Warren, followed by Sanders and Buttigieg. By all margins I was not centrist then (and I am not a centrist today either) & you’d call me for progressive as well. Even when Biden won, I tweeted what an exciting roster he was setting up for! We can all agree today (except our ultra leftists) that a) Biden has been the best president this country has had for a while (in many ways, even better than Obama), and b) the so-called bench strength of democratic never quite materialized. So yeah, in 2024, I am not stupid, I am simply going to vote for the guy who gets it done. And democrats have 4 more years to figure their bench strength out. But I am not going to sit this one out and wait for a messiah to show up at my door to save my ass.

Done and voted in primary today. Team Biden all the way. No performative protest vote nonsense from our side.

Dune: Part Two, 2024 - ★★★★★

A spectacularly mounted sequel. Nobody imagines scale as Denis does. And that black & white shots just oof!

Testing out selective cross posting. Not that I plan to use it heavily.

I agree with latest cry that Sotomayor needs to resign. Her health issues are enough to give me a pause and we cannot risk yet another SCOTUS seat being lost because of someone’s fucking ego. Now is the time to resign so Biden can appoint a young healthy judge in her place.

Ok its been almost 4 weeks now, but Jon Stewart’s return has been largely unfunny. I think he’s determined that the best course of action for him personally is to keep the both sides narrative as strong as possible. I just think he’s afraid of his own safety.

The amount of world attention the Spanish rape case in India has gotten (& of course corresponding omg the country is the worst hot takes on twitter), it would be nice if the same kind of world attention was given to Indian students who are murdered with gun violence in the USA. Neither of them is right and just horrible, but only one of them gets the world attention, coz third world amirite?

Had a bad experience with my gastroenterologist this morning. I was following up as he requested I do if a certain number kept dropping so I did after my latest bloodwork. He then proceeded to be very condescending about how nothing is wrong with me and I don’t need to see him at all, and my numbers dont mean anything serious. He then told me look I have no idea why your number is low, but i am not the doctor for it!, and I am like dude, this much you could have told me before also. Why do the drama of telling me to come back if my numbers were low and then proceed to tell me he had no fucking idea why and I need to go elsewhere. Truly WTF! Never going back to him again.

Dune 2 was SPECTACULAR! Move over Christopher Nolan, this is the new bar on how to mount a big budget spectacle. The scale at how this movie is framed and shot makes it a must watch on as big a screen as possible.

Kudos to Biden for sending aid to Gaza but can you just stop arming what has become effectively a terrorist state? One good turn deserves another and nothing good is coming out of arming the other side!

An old unused Govee water sensor went off randomly in the basement. I am impressed that the HomePod in the basement notified me on app that an alarm was sounding in basement. I was able to go down and hunt for this sensor amongst pile of useless things and throw it out. Obviously there was nothing happening in basement but now I feel better that the HomePod is useful in adding an additional layer of security - this sensor was not loud enough to hear from 1st floor but it was loud enough that HomePod caught it.

Welcome spring!