The last 48 hours have been fucking annoying. First, our garage door cables snapped. Thankfully the guys who installed it last year came by today and fixed it for no charge. Then last night as it was raining, and I was trying to back out my merc from his pipe stem driveway, I miscalculated the turn and hit a stop sign, albeit at low speed. Still, the dent is enough that it needs to be replaced, and the fucking merc that it is, will now cost me arm & a leg to do so. Talk about self induced nuisance.

I often wonder if my mom had not died unexpectedly, would I have ever turned atheist at all? After all for a major part of my life I did believe in God, and dutifully did most things I was supposed to do be a Brahmin in good standing. Its no secret and I’ve blogged on this much that my mom’s passing was a huge catalyst for me turning away from God, but I do wonder sometimes how might have life turned out if it hadn’t played out that way? Would I still be a god-fearing man, doing all the needful things & celebrating each festival under mom’s watchful eye? Would my wife continue do all the various pujas and things that my mom would’ve asked her to do? My kid is a certified atheist already, but I am almost sure she might have been a temple visiting blessing seeker. Obviously I’ll never find out, but I wish I could answer the question whether stopping believing in God made me any more happier? I guess it gave me peace, so that should count for more.

There is some sort of weird comfort in seeing people sitting under a tree shade cooling off. I dont know why but it just makes me feel happy.

At a fabric shop in Ahmedabad more than a decade ago when we were looking for Indian designed curtains for our house. We eventually did get this one.

At our community picnic last week we won a guessing game by coming closest to the number of gummy bears in a jar. We guessed 206, and ours was apparently closest to the actual number, 306. I am now curious what other families guessed that somehow we were the closest! Also gummy bears are yummy.

Hobbes giving a stare down to the Halloween golden retriever that we just procured. He clearly sees him as competition!

Watching and experiencing this TOOL concert was one of the most intense experiences of my life. I highly recommend it!

As I am getting older nothing seems to energize me more than a night of a good 7+ hours sleep. It’s like a light bulb in your brain when you wake up well rested. You know you feel good when you get out of the bed! And that feeling is contagious. The chai seems tastier. The workouts go like a breeze! It just feels more… relaxing. Yep. I am getting old.


I am perfectly ok with this. In fact extend it to over 65as well. I hope republicans take this to heart also and if it means fewer red votes next year it’s a win win!

The “controversy” around Hasan Minaj is laughable. He is a fucking comedian - of course he is going to stretch the truth or invent situations for laughs. That is his fucking job. Do people really think a comedians life is full of funny anecodotes and jokes happening every second so they can document it and use it in their stand ups?

Watching Rajnikanth’s Jailer and the movie could have cut down 45 minutes of run time if they didn’t have to do so many slow mos of thailava! Like jee even a simple head turn is like excruciatingly slow.

Doke with S1 of foundation - I must admit as painful as first couple of episodes were it really tied it up nearly in the last three episodes which were perhaps the best 3 of the show ever. Hopefully they can it further.

So next year election time, not only will be suffocated with election campaign but we will also have to live through multiple trials going on. Also, fuck Hunter Biden. What a waste. I have no empathy for this man; he doesnt deserve a family like Bidens. Like Jesus, get a fucking grip.

This comment on Reddit rings so deeply true. This really is the crux of why I feel so upset about American and Indian politics these days.

Day 15: Red stripe. Bestest of summer beers. Period.

The downside of being a light sleeper is that ever since middle school has begun my sleep has gone completely haywire. My sleep has gone from averaging 7+ hours a night to barely 5:30 hours each night and 6 at best in most cases. It’s not for lack of trying - I just wake up with slightest noise in morning and I can’t blame anyone other than me coz ppl have to get ready. Result is I am exhausted by early evening even before gym and chill time. I need to find a better way to manage my sleep as this is unsustainable.

The changeling started out so well and had become an absolute drab of a show. Disappointing.

statue of lord Ganesha, nestled amongst a bed of flowers. The 11 day Ganesh chaturthi festival celebrated primarily in western and southern India is a fav. The draw for me of course being the modaks, a sweet fried dumpling that apparently this god loved, and I approve coz they are heavenly!

A few months ago i had written a bit about my struggles with trigger finger on my left hand. When I had seen the doctor he had mentioned that sooner or later even my right hand would have the same issue. Well, since last week his bloody premonition has come true. So now I have trigger in both hands which really puts a dent on lifting weights. I guess I can opt for surgery at some point and fix it once and for all but its fucking annoying. This year has been myriad of issues!