One of the best things I had in Budapest was this Langosh, which is basically our desi Bhatura for all literal purposes. You eat this with paprika chicken, or by itself with sour cream and cheese. All combinations work great coz as I said this is a Bhatura. This would pair so well with traditional Indian Chana also. Also, pleasantly, food in Hungary was spicy, I guess with birthplace of paprika and all.

First day in a week I have felt better after being back from trip. I guess i really had to shut down my work at 12 in afternoon and take a good 2 hour nap in afternoon to break away the rut.

This was one of the most exhausting weeks at work and I am glad it’s over. And yes that news artie was right lol.

Its been tough to reconcile with Maui news. We stayed in Lahaina when we did our very first group trip with friends. Lots of good (& bad) memories of the place. It has always been our dream to go back to the same place as a group again and finish our incomplete Hawaii trip from Maui. I hope they recover soon though.

The old man has style. Somewhere in vienna.

I want my family to see & travel the world before it all burns down or sinks due to climate change. My kid should have some memory of how beautiful the world actually was so she can tell them to her kids one day because by the time her kids grow up this world is going to look very very different. Who knows if humankind will is even going to survive past my grandkids, but the world they inherit is going to be a sad one. That fucking asteroid can’t fast enough!

We started watching Outer Banks because our kid wanted to watch it (coz her friends watched it of course). 3 seasons in, the show is so campy and brainless its actually very entertaining. Now me and wife are hooked to the series and my kid is bored of the show, and we are like shut up you dont know anything.

Been running a temperature since a few days. Know someone who got Covid but we communicated from far with n95s. Also came back from travel/planes. Need to test myself again.

Gawd does Foundation get better? That first episode of season 2 was torture. Please tell me it gets better coz I want to like it.

How does such a progressive state like California keep sending Feinstein to senate is beyond me. The shameless prick needs to resign and let someone younger take over. What an absolute embarrassment she is. Play your age - retire gracefully and fuck off!

Why is Apple even doing iPhone launches anymore? Everything is pre-recorded anyway (and will be this year too) - so just put it on you tube on September 12 and release the phones. Why so much drama around this. I miss the in-person reveals Apple did, but its also clear that once Jobs passed and pandemic hit, Apple much prefers these pre-recorded ones coz they don’t have to show the product at all.

Nothing looks more German than the entrance to BMW museum.

Barbenheimer is both, the absolute worst marketing device ever and also the most successful one in a while. Its a reflection on Americans more than anything else that they cannot, and do not think beyond themselves. One is a movie about kid’s doll, and other is about a fucking man who helped invent something that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. The way media & people use the term is really an insult on the tragedy that unfolded because of the man. Its not a surprise Japan is pissed - they should really be and call out Americans. They can both be terrific movies, and thats beside the point.

The Upper Belvedere palace at Vienna, in the Belvedere complex thats right in heart of city! What a gorgeous frigging place.

Meryl Streep is one of the most overrated actress there is. There is literally no difference between any role she does. Take 10 movies and cut random scenes from each movie and see them - you won’t know the difference between any and you’ll be forgiven for mixing up all of them. I have no idea why she has such a following.

I need to unlearn my photo taking habits. With camera advancements in last couple of years, the iPhone has become my de-facto camera on all my trips everywhere. But because its just with me all the time, coupled with no headache of space on it, I have become extremely trigger happy. The end result is after each trip I am left with thousands of photographs to sift through, with so many duplicates and triplicates of the same thing. I have major FOMO of not capturing something, but then when I look back after the trip is over I have zero interest in majority of the photos. So the qn for me is, how do I take less photographs, but ones that matter? How do I get over that FOMO feeling and decide that experiencing a place is enough, and the photo that I take must account for something. I dont how to unlearn my habits, but I know I need to! Any tips?

I honestly feel like the latest trends in having multiple recycling/trash bins based on type of material is idiotic - like where you see multiple bins, one for waste, one for bottles, one for paper and one for compost etc. This is such a low stake decision for majority of people that it ought to be simpler than this for people to actually listen. 90% of time people do not have the patience to sort out what goes where especially in a hurry. The result is every fucking place I have seen this multi-bin approach (airports, malls, etc), every one of them has trash in it negating the very purpose of putting them out in the first place. Keep it simple - trash, or recycling - people do not want to spend time on low stakes decisions. And yes, accept the fact that maybe you can only recycle bottles/cans but at least do them right instead of this wasted effort of every bin becoming trash anyway.

Today afternoon’s weather is looking horrendous and ominous! More than anything I just care about the dog pooping before storms begin. #firstworldproblems

One of my small nit against Oppenheimer is Ludwig Goransson’s music. While watching the movie itself, his music overwhelms & absorbs you completely, and I think its music while watching movie on big screen contributes heavily towards how it impacts the viewer. However, that said, there is nothing memorable about its soundtrack. Unlike Zimmer’s work on Interstellar or Inception, Ludwig to me doesn’t bring that timeless quality of Zimmer to Nolan’s movie. A large part of Oppenheimer’s music in fact sounds very much like Tenet which was also done by him. I honestly wish Nolan went back to Zimmer for his movies, but seems unlikely.

Oppenheimer was very, very, very good. Nolan is just a master at story telling isnt he? Forget Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer, what a bravura performance as Strauss by Robert Downey Jr, ooff! He owns every scene he is in.