We are still few hours away but the kid’s got her Olympic and country spirit on already!

At various squares within the city they have setup Olympic square where you can cool off, grab a beer or food and watch the games on big screens while chilling. Lovely lovely thing this!

The rings of power

I am so glad we came back to Paris. This time I truly feel like I saw the “city” rather than main attractions and I honestly I am in love with the city - far far from last time where I genuinely did not feel like visiting Paris again. Thanks to Olympics feel like I got to experience Paris a lot more closer.

Our second experience in Paris has been a complete 180 degree from the first time we visited 2 years ago. Also, I am a merino convert! Hot sweltering 95 degrees today and my merino blend t-shirt kept me cool, wicked sweat away and is odor free.

This view was absolutely stunning. The Olympic cauldron is quite something for its scale and size! Will post the close up ones later. Oof, Paris pulled off a spectacle with this cauldron allright!

Ok finally seeing some Olympic festivities and cheer in areas near to lourve and le marais. This part of city definitely looks liked it’s brought on the games!

Hello Paris, we see each other again. The city is deserted! It’s like everyone decided Olympics will be a bad time to visit Paris and no one showed up. Even in 40 degree weather last year in March it was crowded as hell to weirdly sparsely busy streets! Feels like Olympics sucked out the life of the city? On the other hand not minding this at all as it will be nicer to explore the city this way!

That whole Kamala endorsement phone call video featuring the Obamas was so cringe!

The hardest part of going on vacations now is leaving the doggo behind. While we are going to have someone stay with him in the house overnight and spend more time with him in the day too, I am still just worried and stressed about him being without us. After last year we have taken an approach of having a sitter in the house rather than housing him, and while expensive still makes us feel better he is in familiar surroundings. However even with this it’s not like sitter spends entire day here. I know he will be fine but our emotional bond with him is now so strong that everything just feels wrong leaving him like this.

Do the Christians who are outraged do know that the last supper is a painting by Leonardo and that’s not how it actually may have happened? Or do Christians actually believe that’s how table was laid out and people posing precisely for a Instagram shot? You never know….

For a country so obsessed with gun culture they surprisingly don’t win any medals or compete enough at shooting in Olympics. You would think Americans would be slam dunk winners at this “sport” that they so love they made an amendment out of it.

This time we are really trying hard to onebag this vacation, but get a sinking feeling that in spite of trying hard its not going to happen, and we are going to have multiple bags.

Watching the Olympic opening ceremony and wow athletes are coming in via boats, and not walking in. Sad part? Paris is so locked down there is literally nobody on either side of river to cheer them on except selected parts. It honestly looks kinda low budget and disappointing.

Anyway, its the weekend and I am bored of Kamala. Need some new drama heading into next week.

On a scale of 99 to 100 how ashamed is Usha Vance of herself and her life choices right now? The nation wants to know.

The vibes are getting stronger with Pete. I really hope it’s him!! Kamala needs to go bold and go strong. None of these governor candidates have been anything close to inspiring as Pete is.

I am absolutely loving Kamala and her campaigns no holds barred approach to tackling Trump. Needed more of this from Biden.

The chaotic scenes out of DC last afternoon were something. Yep I draw the line at violence and vandalism. You want to protest peacefully as much as you want, I am with you 100%. But the moment you are going to vandalize monuments, burn flags and all its a line for me that I will not support. What the fuck were police doing? I guess we know from J6, not much anyway. All of these goons should be jailed and sentenced.

📺 Presumed Innocent (2024) - ★★★☆☆

Presumed Innocent poster

Two episodes too long and saw the ending coming a mile away.