πŸ“Ί [Trying (2020)] Season 4 (https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/98177) - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Trying poster

I can’t wait for season 5 after that cliffhanger!

Biden gave a decent interview last night but again did not take the bone when offered. I gave it my best shot and did everything was such a lame answer for an election of this magnitude. This was such a chance to forcefully say this was about saving democracy and he is in it till the end. Instead what we got was as long as I did my best all is well. Does not inspire any confidence and makes it feel like he himself has given up at this point.

Almost at end of S3 of The Bear and can’t help feeling the season is overlong by 2-3 episodes and a couple of episodes simply forced into the narrative. If there is a S4, it hopefully is the last.

In a way Trump was right about the media from day 1. Crooked media as he called it, and I hope that democrats take the same approach as republicans and Trump did when dealing with media. He was 100% correct about CNN and MSNBC and all the other networks on β€œunfair” treatment. I mean just look at the way they are going for Biden’s neck. If anything Trump just proved his point without having to do anything at all. Even if Biden is replaced, there is no section of voters who will now trust anything about anyone coming from these networks and it’s a net gain for him more than anything else. Well done πŸ‘

So if I get this right, Butterfly social network is about a self-fulfilling AI network? Like I create an avatar of myself and let loose - and then it posts random stuff on random days, other AI avatars interact with it randomly, with zero input or engagement from my side. WTF is this? This is both simultaneously hilarious and terrifyingly creepy.

Only the most lowly low of people take up journalism as a career. Its not a surprise that the state of mainstream media is so pathetic and everyone hates them. They really are the deplorable ones.

Its incredible how much time Modi really has on his hands to meet & greet the Indian team, then sit down with them for an interview and high-tea while so much is happening all around the country. How do people not see this kind of tomfoolery is beyond me, but then also not surprising because we are about to vote a similar idiot back into White House as well. Because governing is now entertainment isnt it, and it has to be engaging and entertaining, isnt it?

It’s indeed incredible how within a matter of days the Democratic Party is completely in utter chaos and combusting. I truly am beginning to believe that Trump has the hand of God. It really can’t go so right for him that things just pan out the way he wants it to. Heck if he had tried 5% he would have won 2020 also. Just sheer hand of god making this.

We want to like Presumed Innocent but now its become boring. Surely they will get things moving along? On the other hand midway through S3 of The Bear and my god what a show. Its criminal its labeled as comedy, when its nothing but!

Man, that Trying Season 4 finale was all the feels and such a cliffhanger moment. I really hope they come back for a season 5 because you cannot leave us like this. The best show on Apple TV just knocked it out of the park again in S4.

Is this a fucking joke? If this is true it makes it worse not better! β€” Joe Biden’s George Stephanopoulos Interview Could Be Over in Just 15 Minutes

Amazon popularized One-way door vs two-way door decisions and it really a useful guideline when making a really tough decision. While his implications of this were towards software development, it applies to everything. I sincerely hope Joe Biden and democratic party, where it is today after last week’s debate have to really think about the path forward is a one-way decision or a two-way decision. My take is whatever decision Biden/democrats make it will be a one-way door decision, and there is no coming back. I hope they realize the magnitude of this election and decision and take the right one because there will be no coming back from this.

I’ve realized that i no longer feel passionate about education as a field in general. When I first forayed into education space almost 7 years ago i really resonated with the industry, the meaningful work we did - first for higher education and then K12. It was an unique opportunity to do this work while being in a corporate behemoth and not academia. But over the years its become very clear that education as a field is a slow moving dead duck. The things we talked about then are still the same challenges we have today about learning outcomes, demonstrating proficiency and more. There is literally zero difference between what was 7 years ago vs now. In my K12 space I heard teachers from Florida and Texas literally crying on phone about their state legislatures. I have been on calls with higher-ed academics who want to bring today’s technology into class but keep running into obstacles. When we talk to employers the challenge of an employer to find a good prospect is the same as it was 7 years ago. The education industry is full of passionate people, but it really feels like a dull industry now to me. I can’t wait to make a move internally in a few months into a more product based service rather than education.

I became a people manager in April with 4 reports. By early June it was 6. Before the team offsite last week it went up to 8. Now with my manager leaving its up to 10! And I still have my day job to do. Remind me why did I sign up for this shit again?

What a wuss. I think he needs to drop out and let someone else contest. I think days of niceties are over. Move aside old man if you are not up to reality of 2024. You will get my vote but my god only coz the opposition is far worse. Just go away.

Said it before and say it again America cannot survive as a single country for too long. Its is just too divided for it now. Would be nice to see it my lifetime! Two countries separated by ideologies - one a compete shithole for republicans and one a slowly thiriving multicultural country. This is the only way.

The sad part about this immunity ruling is that we have an absolutely nice old guy in the white house that even the SCOTUS knows would never misuse the power he now has. For once I wish someone like Newsom was in the white house so he could screw the SCOTUS and republicans back with their same juice. Lets be honest, SCOTUS knows what a softie dogoody Biden is. Just tragic what choice we’ve been left with this election.

Ya’all still worried about her emails right? right? Fuck you to every progressive leftist who sat out 2016. Fuck you and may your tribe rot in hell. (Yeah, this is about the SCOTUS Presidential Immunity ruling in case you progressive dumbfucks did not get it).

I dont know why my dad feels that I have any control over my brother’s GC process. Every few days he keeps nudging me to check on my brother’s GC application. Today my dad yet again was like why cant I do something to nudge it along? Why cant I call USCIS to ask about status? There must be some way here to move it along? What if I missed any emails. I keep saying if there is any update, my brother will also get an email from USCIS if there is any update, to which he goes “Oh don’t rely on him! he will miss those emails and won’t even know!". Well dad, how is that my fucking problem then if my bro can’t even keep up with some of the most important emails he may ever receive? Just another Monday morning with my dad. Howz your week going?

I no longer feel bad that I feel tired and groggy after 5pm everyday knowing that my 80 year old president also gets tired after 4pm. Also, this Jeff Bezos video on 10am meetings really lays it out what a President’s job also is (He is talking about executives, but applies to anyone). So much for feeling low energy post 4pm.