What Happened to Wirecutter?

Longtime fans have turned on the product-recommendation website. An evolving internet may be to blame.

I am one of them. I used to trust Wirecutter recommendations over anything else on Internet, but I dont get the feeling it is the same anymore. I am sure NYTimes buying it had to do lot with that feeling, but now more often than not their recommendations are basically here’s the most expensive item on the shelf and we recommend it mode. Heck, I literally bought their budget sunrise alarm clock pick reading their recommendations last week and immediately regretted making the purchase. I could and should’ve gone for something else that had better reviews.

A few years ago during pandemic we made a trip to Emerald Isle with our bubble friends. This was one of the most memorable trips we ever did. Emerald Isle in NC is such a great beach destination.

Buzzfeed’s entire business model is X asked this question on reddit and some of the responses are shocking articles with embedded gifs. Thats fucking it. The one part of their site which was actually very very good, the news division was gutted.

This year it will almost be 10 years since I last visited Ahmedabad. I grew up in Ahmedabad in my formative years and the place holds a very special place in my heart. And yet because of movement of my own families there is nothing left in Ahmedabad for me, even though a good chunk of my relatives still live there. Its a place I once wanted to live forever, a place my dad and mom thought they’d retire forever too. Every time we go to India my aunt asks me to visit, and there is just never enough time to do so. I haven’t been back to our house in 10 years, and even the last time I was there it was such a weird feeling walking inside the apartment I grew up. I keep thinking one of these days, but lets see maybe next trip to India I want to see if I can make it happen.

Did not read this article but if this is his most outlandish lie yet then Americans deserve him lol.

I was fully invested in 2016 and 2020 election year, but I am making a conscious effort not to be so involved in 2024, for my own mental sanity, and more importantly, nothing will fundamentally change about my vote. The issues that I cared about in ‘12, ‘16’, 20, ‘24 are exactly the same and will remain the same in future also and it aligns more closely with democrats than republicans. Why even bother investing time in listening to anything republican candidates or party has to say anymore because the only thing they’ve proven is how they are turning into repulsive humans (if they can be called that) year after year.

So yeah, IDGAF what Vivek or Nikki says, what Trump says/does at this point. I am of firm opinion that the American society is spiraling into a inevitable decay thanks to the rot that republicans have sown into it. My only role (&hope) is to delay this as much as possible by making sure my vote counts in ‘24 and canvas/educate others around me (in my own capacity) about perils of voting anyone but democrats anywhere - from school boards, to state elections to national. Thats all I can do, and I will do.

Post procedure my dinner for tonight is simple dal rice. That said I have already had bunch of junk food to reset my tummy. Gladly the outcome of the colonoscopy was I don’t need to do it again for 5-7 years and I will gladly take it. This 2 day prep work, liquid diet and one evening of self induced diarrhea was more than enough for me for a while.

Cant wait for that ugly piece of turd to be roaming around the streets soon, or otherwise called as Tesla Truck. Like Jesus, what even is it?

Had the best nap of my life it feels like. They were not wrong after all about colonoscopy. Still drippy though but gosh propofol is one helluva drug.

Learned a new phrase today: toxic activism.

13 years ago on this day we were standing in front of great sphinx of Giza. Just a few days ago I and wife were discussing how we barely discuss or reminiscence anything about our Egypt trip even though it was one of the best trips we did. I attribute it to the fact that it was the only trip that we did as a family (me/wife & my dad/mom), and my mom’s passing 6 months after that has kind of soured those memories for me. Egypt is breathtaking on its own, and even after spending 8 days we barely scratched the main cities. So much to see and absorb. That said, the most memorable part of this trip was really the 4 nights Nile cruise. Its an experience like no other, and we were on one of the best boat cruise ever so that added to the experience. One day I hope take my family back to Egypt, though I have heard they are not doing as good as they were.

Looking at weather for next 10 days seems like summer is maybe truly done and we are barreling into fall quickly. I need to move to Caribbean/Central America honestly once and for all, and be done with seasons. Just give me Cancun weather all year long and I wont, ever, complain!

On a “clear liquid” diet today and I am already one gatorade down. I am already fucking hungry and its just 10.30am. This is going to be a very very very long 24 hours for me. I should just take some melatonin and sleep through the day instead!

I can’t wait for Indians republicans to use But see, GOP has two Indian-American presidential candidates and democratic party has none! line to justify their bigotry and their eventual vote. Coz you know, how else will they justify their racist hot-takes?

Apparently the iPhones are getting more expensive this year per news? I wonder whats the break off point where its better to just get a mirrorless and lug it around than keep paying for what is essentially camera updates for me. Nothing else truly matters for me anyway.

This Vivek guy really gives me 2016 vibes. I hope the so called independents and free thinkers don’t repeat the same mistake as 2016. The bar is so low for them thst I won’t be surprised either. Vivek knows what he is doing.

Are normal people actually watching the Republican debate? Why? It’s not like you gonna vote for any of em. Does any thing they say possibly even matter? Why are you all giving them eyeballs they don’t deserve?

This stock market has gone complete bonkers if you look at NVDA. Like jesus christ how?

LOL news about Prigozhin. And also, underestimating Putin is the biggest mistake the world can make.

My cousin appeared on a Indian youtube channel to give financial advice and talk about his investments. The host was shocked at how well rounded my cousin is at 25, and how much he has already invested in the market, and how’s now living off passive income as he plans his next move and all. Very inspiring.

Except, the whole thing is a sham. Turns out the investment advisor is a youtube content creator who had promised a couple of videos to his sponsor, and he had absolutely nothing or nobody to talk to. So he asked my cousin to appear on his show as this young investment whizkid, and for better story telling made him unemployed and living off passive income. Next time you watch a youtube video talking investment advice keep in mind that what you see and hear could be completely BS. And yes, please dont take investment advice from Youtube to begin with.