I’ve used quite a few note taking applications over the years - agenda, obsidian, quiver, notes, microsoft one note and other assorted ones. Unfortunately I have discovered I am too disorganized to make it work for me, so not a single one has actually stuck around. I tried organizing by projects, by initiatives and other means, but stuck with none of them. Eventually I have figured out a way that is working for me for the past few months: Apple Notes.

I use one Apple note. Thats it. Every single thing is in there. Every meeting minute, every project note, every note I want to make, every action item I want to assign to myself, dates - every fucking thing. Its like a infinitely long note with absolutely everything and the sun thrown at it. A random reader would make no sense of it, and perhaps even be disgusted by the chaos. And yet it works! For me!. Everything I need in one place - no fucking folders, organization, and trying to sort through a neatly sorted list. If I want to find something, the search function works, and works great! I find what I need and I am done. No managing of any extraneous stuff. One note to rule them all!

Not the way most normal people would do their notes I suppose, but hey if it works, it works!

The few days before vacation begins are always the most chaotic and busy. Its like the world is out to suck every last drop of blood before I go on vacay.

Would you pay 100$ for one t-shirt? I struggle with this quite a bit. One one hand I find the very idea of a 100$ t-shirt abhorrent and wonder what could that t-shirt possibly contain? and on the other hand the amount of time I spend researching about it, I find that certain materials and mix are suited for certain climates and often its about what material works for particular weather than actual t-shirt. So obviously, some materials cost more than another. I recently decided to pickup a t-shirt on “deal” at Macys and was very happy it was a sub 10$ t-shirt. I put it on once and I absolutely hated the fit, the quality and overall feeling of it in-spite of the t-shirt advertising the same as other t-shirts. Its just really hard to find a good well fitting t-shirt.

On one hand I have no problem picking up a box of chocolate truffles at Godiva for 20 bucks and gorging on them, and on other hand I will go lengths to find a tee thats less than 10 bucks. I have no problem spending 100$+ on a weekend eating out (which is a one time event) but I can’t get myself to buy a 100$ t-shirt knowing fully well the utility and longevity of the tee is far longer than a weekend dinner. Human brain works in mysterious ways!

This presentation interview of Carlos was god awful. How does it feel to play in front of royalty? Wtf was that. What a complete POS interviewer was.

Yesssssssssssassss! Thank you Alcaraz! Thank you!

Experience Vs youth on display on field. The motherfucker will win and ruin my Sunday wont be?

Man that second set was classic Wimbledon eh? Hoping against hope here but hey he is not number 1 for nothings

Watching Wimbledon final after ages so the motherfucker will win won’t he? I literally don’t like watching men’s tennis anymore coz of the asshole Djokovic but I feel like Alcaraz is the next rising star so I am hoping the best. I hope the fucker retires soon so men’s tennis can be fun again.

Ordinarily this would upset me but because this is Florida I wish nothing but more of this on state. Cant wait until the entire state becomes a rotten putrid stinking pile of shit with climate change.

A coach at gym turned thirty today, and he’s been with the gym for the last 6 and half years. We’ve all see him go from being single to dating, to his fiancé joining the gym, them marrying a couple of years back and them having their first kid a few months back. Not only do I feel old, but I feel like I saw someone grow up around us. Two of the coaches who quit last year also went through similar transitions in life at the gym so I am sincerely hoping he is not on his way out because he is hands down the best coach at the gym.

Its been hard to get past even the first episode of Foundation S2. All the scenes with the Empire and Lee Pace are so much engrossing that everything else outside of it. Spectacular production quality as always but why does it just feel so dull, just like the first season!

As per tradition tickets to Nolan’s movie for Thursday have been procured. No IMAX but will live with watching Oppenheimer on a larger screen for now. Don’t have patience to go stand in line for a theater in age of reserved seating. Like the one IMAX we have here and it doesn’t do reserved seating - well screw it.

Twitter reminds me of Yahoo of yesteryears and its slow demise. Yahoo didnt just “die”, but the road to its death was slow and jarring. At different times it felt like Yahoo was coming back, but it never materialized into anything meaningful enough to save the sinking ship. Here’s the thing- Its not like Yahoo did not try to turn things around, but once a core group of people left, it did not matter whether Yahoo pivoted to media (oh they tried hard!), or Internet town square or whatever BS they could come up with. It was slow, it was painful, but eventually Yahoo became so irrelevant that today’s generation may not even know how big Yahoo was just 10-11 years back. The only change in Twitter taking a similar trajectory downward is basically how much damage Twitter will do on its way out. Its going down for sure. It may take 3 years or 7 years, but it will be irrelevant to every one except a small subset of people. Its up to people to decide to sink or swim, but the ship is going down sooner or later.

I couldn’t sleep last night so I researched about moving to Sydney. Made a lot of awesome plans. Visualized me and my family living there. Imagined myself growing old there. Then I went off to sleep and woke up feeling oh my god it is so much work forget it! But boy, hands down one of my favorite cities in the world. Who knows maybe one day we could make it happen!

Outer Banks is so stupid that its actually very entertaining because every character in the show is so stupid.

I honestly do not remember taking this pic of Berlin city center at all, but then it was 2016 so It’s not like I remember any of it.

I am ashamed to admit I dont quite understand the difference between tactical and strategic. My co-PMs use this term a lot and I also drop it a lot but frankly I dont quite understand the difference between the two because I feel like every tactical choice I make is also strategic!

Looking for a sling bag to hold my passports/pens etc in short term but longer term for keys / wallet / and passport sized things. Any reco? I am torn between a 5L bag vs a true sling.

One of the things about American life that has surprised me is how many couples and families are still together. Growing up in India with western exposure limited mostly to Hollywood and some sports I grew up believing every other marriage in USA ended in divorce, and Americans by definition are not family people. It’s a position I held even after coming here for a while, but that has changed so much over the years, and I have been so wrong about it. The families that do stay together here do stay put. The familial bonds are as strong as they can be and I only see younger generation forging more close relationship with their families (when all’s well). It’s been a revelation to me how wrong I was - otherwise I just assumed every other kid was raised by a single parent or had multiple set of parents!!

I honestly dont know why cruises are still accepted as normal in society. Nothing will be more exciting to see 10000 people on Icon of the seas marooned somewhere in the middle of Indian ocean. Maybe they can get their own Silo.