The hotel mandates that we keep room temperature to 72 or below. I found a way to hack it so it stays warmer for us. I didn’t come here to stay in an icebox! I came here to sweat in the heat!

California light house - I couldn’t see California from here though.

The middle finger cactus

I highly recommend Aruba if you are planning on visiting Florida but don’t want your hard earned money wasted on a trash-land like Florida.

Humans were not meant to live in cold weather. Whose nonsensical idea was it to migrate norther? Very silly.

I thought Cancun was amaerican but boy Aruba is about as American as it can possibly get. I mean zero charm of America and all the fun.

One hour on the island and I hate hate hate cold so much and I love love love love this weather so much. Fuck cold. This is how ideal temperatures should be.

A much needed vacation in progress. Hello Aruba!

It’s been a long time since I have liked the entire soundtrack of a movie. kho Gaye hum kahan

I share this this every year. But more and more now I feel it it wasn’t just the gun control debate, America simply lost its soul that day and no matter how what they say, it’s not coming back. Everything from that point on is just a slow decay of American soul that died that day.

Wow Biden is really some chingoos baniya!

In theory offload unused apps is a great idea. But in practice I am figuring out that I dont have a whole lot of apps to begin with so the times that I do need an app its highly annoying to see it already offloaded! Today I turned the setting off because I was like I can’t keep downloading apps that I use infrequently.

I am always amused by how everyone is always like things were somehow better or tougher when they were involved, but immediately got worse after you. The school you studied has deteriorated from the time you were there (which was the peak of course!). The hiring bar has gone so much lower than when you were hired for the same role few years back. The place you grew up is somehow so much worser now. There has to be a term for it.

That time of the year when LinkedIn blows up with posts about people wanting to buy gifts for families in need for Christmas, but need to begin with “no judgement, no asking, just ping me….” and such platitudes. Its more about making themselves look like they pariahs and earn some LinkedIn brownie points and less about actually…. you know… helping. Because if you really do want to help, the holidays is the time of year you literally have truck full options of organizations, even at a local city level that you can contribute for families in need. But then how would you earn those LinkedIn karma points, amirite?

I am in bit of a bind. A few weeks ago we got a package that was addressed to us but to the wrong recipient. I first pinged our previous owner who gleefully said that for once it was no one in his family! (backstory: We receive our previous owner packages constantly, and he keeps coming back to pick them up, and we’ve become friends over this package pickup thing). I asked in our community HOA and no such person exists. I opened the package because the return address was some weird name that I had no idea - and it turns out its a gift for a newborn that this person probably had and it was a corporate gift. Again no return, but at least the corporate name is there. I was like fuck it, its been weeks since we have this box, maybe I should just put it on local buy nothing group and someone will pickup. Out of curiosity I decided to google the recipient one last time and turns out the recipient is a lady who works in DC in a legal firm representing pharma companies. On one hand I am like now that I know who that person is I should call them up, but its very likely this person is on maternity leave so I won’t reach her anyway. On second hand I am like fuck it, if this was a corporate gift, they already probably know it went to the wrong address and may have already sent a replacement so why should I bother. Plus, the person is legal and I dont want to get into any uncertainty over googling them. I can’t decide if I should do the nice thing and call their office or screw it and give it to a needy family on buy nothing group. I mean, as is, its been weeks so the baby has already probably outgrown half the items!

Honestly think heat pumps are the absolute worst way of heating a house if average winter temps drop below 35. It has its place in milder winters I suppose but not meant for mid Atlantic north east cold. What a waste. Too bad our old owners upgraded their systems only in 2021.

made the final contractor payment this morning - done and done with stuff. I need to do that long post sometime this week!

Who would have thought housing around Denver and suburbs would be more expensive than northern Virginia? My colleagues swear it is so and when I hear what they pay for rent or the house listings they keep sending me to prove their point I am like wow you guys are right! And I thought northern Virginia was already atrocious.

That Texas pregnant woman story is scary and pitiful. Fuck Texas. As if I don’t say it enough, but no really fuck Texas.

A cousin of mine is headed to Japan for a 18 month stint at his job. I am glad he is not coming to Germany or USA as most people do, but instead chose to go to Japan (he had an option to pick Europe or USA).